These are some of the most common questions we get. If these don't answer your questions, please give us a call at 204-735-2779.
What do the on ice sessions focus on?
On ice sessions cover a variety of skills involved with hockey with a specific focus on skating and puck skills. These sessions also include different small area games that challenge players to make quicker decisions while competing in a safe and fun atmosphere.
Do students ever miss ice time for any reason?
Students are held accountable for both their behaviour and school work. At any point during the year, their ice time can be revoked by any teacher, EA, principal, or coach. If for any reason a student is not participating on the ice, parents will be notified.
Can we visit the school beforehand?
Yes! School visits are held for incoming students throughout January and February. The visit will include an ice time as well some time spent in the classroom. During this time, any remaining questions that you have can be answered by any teacher or by the school principal.
Can we watch the ice sessions?
Parents are always welcome to watch any ice session throughout the year. We only ask that you sign in as a guest in the office (at the main school) prior to viewing at the rink.
How do students transport their equipment?
Before on-ice sessions begin, parents must arrange a time to drop their son/daughter's equipment off at the Starbuck Arena. Equipment storage rooms are provided for all players to leave their set equipment at the arena. If for any reason a player must transport equipment to and from the arena, the equipment must be in a bag.
What do the fees cover?
Student's fees are reviewed and managed by a parent board called SHAPCI. Typically, fees are used to cover on-ice instruction, ice rental, jerseys, and other extra-curricular events.
How does bussing work?
There are pick-up locations throughout Winnipeg and Oak Bluff. Bussing is determined based on availability and acceptance into the program.
How many students are accepted each year?
Typically the class sizes will be 20-30 students. This can change due to provincial and or divisional guidelines. Students are given notice of acceptance by April 1st.